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Safe rental process guaranteed

Tenerife Rentals makes it easy and quick to rent properties in your favorite holiday place.

Rent by price per night or price per guest

Rent places by paying a fee for each night booked, or for each guest who checks-in.

24/7 Support hours for customers

We offer you 24/7 support to manage your listing or your holiday planning.

The most affordable rentals platform

You will find the most affordable rentals prices for houses in Tenerife on our platform.

Book extra options with your house rental

You can book crib, pick-up, drop-off, or any other extra service we can offer with each listing.

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Why Collaborate with Us?

Attractive Commission

Earn a generous 5% commission for every property owner you refer to our services. There’s no limit to how much you can earn!

Top-Tier Management Services

Our dedicated team specializes in short-term rental management, ensuring property owners enjoy maximum returns with minimal hassle. We handle everything from guest communication to property maintenance.

Reputable Brand

Partnering with Bandenia Holiday Homes means aligning with a trusted name in the Dubai vacation rental market. Our reputation for excellence and customer satisfaction speaks for itself.

How it works?

  1. Sign Up

    Join our referral program by filling out a simple registration form.

  2. Refer Property Owners

    Share the benefits of our professional management services with property owners in your network.

  3. Earn Commission

    For each successful referral, you’ll earn a 5% commission on the property’s revenue managed by us.

"Rent Your Property Today"​